How to Prepare for Your Residential Demolition [infographic]

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Do you have your residential demolition scheduled and not sure what to do next? You may not think there’s a whole lot to prepare for when it comes to demo. However, there are a few steps to take to make the process go smoother. Here’s how to prepare for your residential demolition.

How to Prepare for Your Residential Demolition

  • Inspection – No matter the extent of your demolition needs, you should consider having your home inspected before the demolition begins. A home inspection will indicate if you have any underlying issues that may otherwise slow down the demolition process.
  • Storage Arrangements – Storing away your items sounds like an obvious task but can actually take a great deal of time. Depending on your demo, you might need a storage unit or to find other living arrangements while demolition and construction is taking place.
  • Coordinate with Utility Company – It’s important to coordinate with your utility company to ensure that your demolition won’t affect any community shared lines before beginning excavation.
  • Notify Neighbors – Demolition can take long hours and very loud. Consider contacting your surrounding neighbors ahead of time and notify them as a courtesy that it will be noisy for the next few days.

At Snead’s Outdoor Services, we hope this has helped you prepare for your residential demolition. We’re confident that arranging an inspection, making storage arrangements, coordinating utilities, and notifying your neighbors will help you prepare for a smooth and successful demolition. If you have any questions regarding residential demolition and the services we provide, please contact us at SOS today!

How to Prepare for Your Residential Demolition